Esports CSM
El bloc d'esports del Col.legi Sant Miquel
dimarts, 20 de febrer del 2024
dimarts, 28 de novembre del 2023
[Marc Bisbe] ti invita!
[Marc Bisbe]:Es una suerte que me haya pasado, y ahora puede pasarte a ti
Con afectoMarc Bisbe
divendres, 29 de setembre del 2023
Espero que estés teniendo un día increíble
Mis mejores deseos para el futuro🔜,Marc Bisbe
dimarts, 8 d’agost del 2023
Espero que estés teniendo un día fantástico 12:47:29 AM
Mis mejores deseos para el futuro👋,Marc Bisbe
dilluns, 31 de juliol del 2023
Qué hay
Cuídate✌,Marc Bisbe
dilluns, 3 de juliol del 2023
dijous, 20 d’abril del 2023
dimecres, 19 d’abril del 2023
dilluns, 20 de març del 2023
dimarts, 14 de març del 2023
dilluns, 6 de març del 2023
dilluns, 27 de febrer del 2023
dimecres, 1 de febrer del 2023
diumenge, 29 de gener del 2023
dimarts, 26 d’octubre del 2021
divendres, 22 d’octubre del 2021
dimecres, 7 de juliol del 2021
Verdadero remedio que Marc Bisbe realmente quiere contarte
Marc Bisbe
La paz sea contigo💲
dimecres, 23 de juny del 2021
Jag hoppas att du går igenom en dag med extraordinärt arbete
Marc Bisbe💎
dilluns, 15 de març del 2021
FW:Marc Bisbe
Marc Bisbe
Indoor Visits With Nursing Home Residents OK, New CDC Guidance Says
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services now recommends that visitors and residents, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, be allowed to meet in person under most circumstances.
US remains top arms exporter and grows market share
Chinese and Russian exports have declined while the Middle East has seen big growth in imported arms.
The best duvet covers of 2021
Wtested 12 of the most popular duvet covers, evaluating everything from quality to the color options available. After a few months of testing, there were four that gave us the best night's sleep.
Black Lives Matter takes centre stage at Grammys as artists speak out on racial equality
Police brutality against unarmed black people was put centre stage at this year's Grammys, with performers and winners using their platforms to speak out on racial equality.
US Department of Health Admits to Pressuring Brazil Into Rejecting Authorisation of Sputnik V
The developers of the Russian vaccine against the coronavirus have condemned the actions of the American authorities and stressed that nations should be fighting as a united front against the pandemic.
A.J. Jacobs: What's The Power Of A Simple Thank-You?
When A.J. Jacobs set out to thank everyone who made his morning cup of coffee, he realized the chain of thank-you's was endless. This hour, Jacobs shares ideas on gratitude — and how to make it count.
Hospitality call for clarity on easing lockdown
Businesses say they need definitive dates and details of what will be allowed to reopen and when.
Lady Gaga and Adam Driver behind-the-scenes shot
Lady Gaga set the internet alight on Tuesday after she posted a photo from the set of the forthcoming Ridley Scott movie, "House of Gucci."
Announcer uses racial slur against girls' basketball team who took the knee during national anthem
An announcer at a girls' high school basketball game in Oklahoma used a racial slur as players kneeled during the national anthem.
'Guilt is Strangling': Young 'PlogMan' in India Has Been Waking Up Pre-Dawn for 7 Years, Here's Why
Last week, in the city of Faridabad in India's Haryana state, a pregnant cow died on a busy road. Upon evaluation, it was revealed that the cow had grazed on 71 kilograms of garbage – with the plastic, iron nails, and glass pieces it had consumed injuring it internally. The sad case highlighted how unsorted waste is choking India.
dimarts, 2 de febrer del 2021
FW:Marc Bisbe
Marc Bisbe
General Motors Aims To Be Carbon Neutral By 2040
The automaker wants to eliminate tailpipe emissions by 2035 and support the expansion of recharging facilities for electric battery-powered cars.
Racism in education: How 'truth pages' helped students fight back
'Truth pages', where students share their experiences of racism, have been on appearing on social media since the killing of George Floyd.
Driverless 'Roborace' car makes street track debut
It is a car kitted out with technology its developers boldly predict will transform our cities and change the way we live.
'Seeing Florence gave me strength I needed': The mum who gave birth while critically ill with COVID-19
Cradling her tiny baby in her arms Elsa Larkins looks for all the world like any proud, adoring new mum.
'A Very Good Exchange of Views': Sen. Collins Speaks About Meeting With Biden on COVID-19 Relief
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - US Senator Susan Collins told reporters that she and her Republican colleagues had a good meeting with President Joe Biden about a new coronavirus relief package and both sides agreed to follow up with further negotiations.
What You Need To Know As The First COVID-19 Vaccines Head Your Way
States are starting to administer their first doses of two newly FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccines. It marks a new phase in the pandemic, but what's that mean for you?
Electric eels work together to zap prey
The electric predators work in groups to herd and "zap" their prey in unison, scientists shocked to discover.
Singer Kelly Rowland announces birth of her second child
Singer Kelly Rowland has some good news to cheer us up -- she recently had a second baby, a boy.
'We must come down hard': Minimise all social contact in South Africa variant areas - Hancock
It is "absolutely vital" that people in areas of England where the South African variant of coronavirus has been identified minimise all social contact, the health secretary has said.
Google Removes 100,000 Bad Ratings for Robinhood Trading App After GameStop Stocks Scandal
The stock trading app popular with amateur investors raised over $1 billion on Thursday to help meet increased demand.
dimecres, 30 de desembre del 2020
RE:Marc Bisbe
Marc Bisbe
Because Of COVID-19 Pandemic, No Tourists Flock To Bethlehem
The annual Christmas festivities around the Church of the Nativity in the city of Bethlehem were scaled back. But residents were intent on maintaining the traditions.
Dog invades football pitch in Bolivia
A dog paused a football game for three minutes, as it ran around with a football boot in its mouth.
Agassi: From wild child to role model
Ten years after retiring from the sport, tennis legend Andre Agassi talks to Open Court about his remarkable career and life after tennis.
Desire for escapism fuels rise in book and audiobook sales
There has been an increase in the number of books being consumed since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.
'Tomorrow Will Be Better': Betty Smith's 'Rediscovered' Novel Is A Genuine Treasure
Smith's 1948 follow-up to A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is a forgotten novel that deserves to be exhumed. The things that made it an awkward response to its predecessor make it more intriguing now.
NI business review of 2020: Year dominated by Covid-19
A year of turbulence, tribulation and transition has pushed many companies to the brink.
Ahmed Qorei Fast Facts
Read CNN's Ahmed Qorei Fast Facts for a look at the life of the former prime minister of the Palestinian National Authority.
PM: Brexit trade deal a 'resolution' of UK-EU relations
Boris Johnson will claim the Brexit trade deal agreed on Christmas Eve represents "not a rupture but a resolution" of relations between the UK and Europe, as he urges MPs to back the legislation that will put it into law.
Trump Legal Team Takes to Supreme Court to Overturn Wisconsin Election Result
President Donald Trump's legal team has been claiming voter fraud in battleground states since after election day, with POTUS refusing to concede to Democratic President-elect Joe Biden, even though the Electoral College handed its voting majority to him earlier in December.
diumenge, 13 de maig del 2018
FUTBOL SALA BENJAMÍ (J13) Sant Miquel vs Calderón de la Barca.
Partit molt serio i controlat des de l'inici el disputat ahir dissabte a casa contra el Calderón de l Barca, únic equip que ens havia guanyat en tota la temporada. Teníem molt clar que havíem de tapar el seu millor jugador i en atac hem mogut la pilota de manera ràpida. El bon joc combinatiu i una defensa intensa ens ha ajudat a recuperar pilotes i crear moltes ocasiones de gol. Hem arribat al final del primer quart amb un 2-0 que realment ha estat força curt per múltiples ocasions creades. En el segon quart hem baixat una mica el pistó i hem deixat que el Calderón de la Barca explotés el seu millor joc. El Julen ha fet unes parades molt bones, però en un tercer xut de falta molt ben executat pel seu número 17 ha fet que arribèssim a la mitja part amb un 2-1 força ajustat. El tercer quart ha estat clau, doncs l'equip ha posat una marxa més i realment l'equip rival no ha passat del mig del camp. Hem fet un futbol molt vistós i amb una pressió molt alta que ha provocat moltes situacions de gol que aquest vegada sí hem materialitzat. Hem arribat a l'últim quart amb un clar 5-1 i el darrer quart ha estat de control, tot i que hem encaixat un gol. Arribem a la darrera jornada amb la primera posició sota el braç i esperem acabar la lliga amb una segona volta amb un ple de victòries. Felicitats equip!
Resultatat: Sant Miquel 5- Calderón de l Barca 2
Golejadors: Josep (2), Pau J. (1), Nil (1) i Sergi (1)
divendres, 4 de maig del 2018
dissabte, 21 d’abril del 2018
Avui dissabte victòria amb molta lluita i prou. Veníem de dues victòries molt importants a casa del Garbí i a casa contra el Betània amb bon joc i entrega; però avui hem fet una primera part força fluixa i ens ha costat estar fins en atac i defensa. Tot i això, aquest equip ha après a lluitar i donar-ho tot. Tot i haver encaixat un primer gol després d'haver fallat moltíssimes ocasions (aspecte que hem de seguir treballant) hem sabut imposar un ritme de joc alt i hem estat encertat a la segona part de cara a gol. El Pau Inogés ha fet dues grans accions de pívot i ha tancat el darrer quart amb dos bons gols. Han estat 2 punts molt lluitats i seguim depenent de nosaltres per acabar els primers. La propera jornada a casa contra el Calderon de la Barca serà clau, doncs ha estat l'únic equip que ens ha guanyat aquest any. A veure si som capaços de contrarestar el seu joc directe. Seguirem treballant en la definció de les jugades.
Felicitats equip!
Resultat: 5-1
Golejadors: Àlex (1), Nil (1), Josep (1) i Pau I (2)
Partit clau per assolir la primera posició i guanyar a un dels millors equips de la categoria. Vam començar el partit els dos equips amb molt de respecte i el primer quart va ser de tanteig per veure que propossava cada equip. Vam tenir alguna aproximació a l'àrea rival que no vam acabar de definir, i vam estar molt atents i junts en defensa. En el segon quart va entrar al camp el millor jugador de Betània i en dues accions individuals de gran qualitat vam encaixar dos gols. Això va provocar que demanèssim un temps mort i acabar d'ajustar la defensa per ajudar el nostre tanca per tal que el seu pívot no jugués amb tanta facilitat. Així vam començar a dominar el partit i dos gols de l'Àlex ens va servir per arribarà par a la mitja part amb empat a dos. El tercer quart va ser de gran dominir nostre i vam tenir molts ocasions que no vam saber materialitzar. Tot i això, el Betània es va avançar altrecop al marcador i no va ser fins a final del quart que el Josep va tornar a posar les taules al marcador. El darrer quart va ser molt intens i igualat, i no va ser fins el final del partit que en una gran acción defensiva del Manu va deixar la pilota franca al Josep perquè de voleia marqués un gran gol per sobre el porter.
Gran victòria de tot l'equip!!!
Resultat: 4-3
Golejadors: Àlex (2) i Josep (2)